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How to Create a Google Plus Brand Page

If you have already created a Google Plus Brand Page, then it is time to promote your Brand Page right from your Blog. You can do so by adding a Google Plus Page Badge on your Blog. The Page Badge has two variations.The standard badge displays the profile pictures of the people who have +1 ed your Brand Page along with the +1 count and an Add to Circles Button. The badge has a minimal version as well.


Demo of the Page Badges


1. Standard Badge

2. Small Badge

Adding the Plus One Badge

1. To add  the page badge, you should first know the ID of your Brand Page. To do that , just login to your G+ account at
Google Plus Page Badge - Your Page
Once you hover over your profile name, you can use Google Plus as a Brand Page by selecting your new Page from the Hover Card.
Once you do this, you will be taken to your Brand Page. The URL in the address bar is the link to your Google Plus Page. You must have noticed that there is a number at the end of the URL.
Google Plus Page Badge - Your Page URL
Copy that number in the URL. That is your Brand Page ID . We will need this Brand Page ID to create the Google Plus Page Badge.
2. Now Edit the following Code and change my Brand Page’s  ID (107589725424409050174) with that of your Brand Page(the number you have copied in the previous step). If you don’t do this you will be displaying my page badge instead of yours ;)
<g:plus href="" size="badge"></g:plus>
You can change badge to smallbadge if you need a smaller version of the Page Badge. The smallbadge as the name says is a smaller version of the badge. It doesn’t have the profile pictures. It is same as the one that I’m using here on my Blog’s Sidebar.Now we have the code to display the Page Badge.
3.The next step is to add the code to your Blog. To do that Login to your Blogger Account and Go to Layout, and Add an HTML/JavaScript Gadget
Google Plus Page Badge - Add JavaScript Gadget
Now Paste the Copied Code into the Gadget and Save it . You can give an appropriate title to the Gadget if needed(optional).
4. Now Open your Blog and see if the Badge is being displayed. If it is then you are done adding the badge. If not, then Edit your Template (Design > Edit HTML in the old UI andTemplate in the new UI)
Look for </head> in your Template and immediately below it, paste the following Code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>
(Asynchronous version of the G+ plugins have hiccups in loading and that’s the reason why we are still relying on the normal version. All FB plugins on this blog make use of asynchronous JavaScript Loading techniques)
5. Save the Template and you should be able to see the Badge on your blog.
6. You are not done yet.It would be great if you have us in your circles :P. You can use this page badge to do that.

by Administrator · 0

How to Create a Google Plus Brand Page

During the initial launch, Google Plus was limited to personal profiles unlike it’s rival Facebook which had a platform where brands can create pages for themselves. Plus was then a platform for connecting people to people and not with brands.During the initial phase it never allowed Brands to Create profiles for themselves by imposing strict name checks while creating the profile. In 2011 November Google however released it’s equivalent of the Facebook Pages, which they have termed as Google Plus Brand Pages.

Creating a Google Plus Brand Page is very easy, and you wont take more than a minute to do that.

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by Administrator · 0

How to Add a Facebook Like Box to your Blog

After you’ve created a Facebook Page for your blog, the next thing you’ll need to do is add a Facebook Like Box to your blog. The Like Box helps you attract and gain Likes (fans) from your own blog. The Like Box also allows your readers to see their friends and other readers who already like your Facebook Page.

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by Administrator · 0

How To Create A Facebook Page For Your Blog

Facebook Pages (or Facebook Fan Pages) allows businesses, public figures, organizations, and other entities, including blogs or websites, to create a public presence on Facebook.
Facebook Pages
If your blog has a Facebook Page, your enabling your users or readers and other people on Facebook to connect (become fans) with your blog. Because Facebook Pages are visible to everyone on the internet by default, every person on Facebook can connect with your blog’s Facebook Page by becoming a fan and then receive updates in the News Feed and interact with your Page.

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by Administrator · 0

Learn How to Make Your Blog Accessible

One out of six people living in the United States today are living with some kind of disability, and the statistics are even higher in foreign countries. This means that one out of every six people who visit your blog will have some kind of disability, so shouldn’t your blog be optimized for those peoples’ experience as well?
Blog accessibility 

Interestingly, disabled people are more likely to use the internet more often as a result of their disabilities. Some common problems that these people face with websites is that they are difficult to use with different accessibility tools, such as screen magnifiers and readers, voice recognition systems, and other tools. Optimizing your site or blog to be compatible with these tools helps to make it more appealing to users who have a major disability.

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by Administrator · 0

How to create a Blogger Blog?

Congratulations, to find Blogger as your Blogging Interface , obviously you made a good decision!
Actually blogger is a platform that can be use as your diary,life time Line,share your views and share it with your friends,you can comment on their blog ,and You can EARN MONEY through Google adsense and have much fun ! 

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by Administrator · 0

How to create a Facebook account ?

Creating a new face book profile

Now you are going to create your facebook profile. Is that a handy job? No it’s a simple job. You can create with simple 6 steps      
      1. Go to where you can see home page of facebook.
Facebook signup page How to create a facebook account
2. Fill Enter your first name, last name, a valid e-mail address, a password, your gender, and your birthday in the above page and press sign up then you will goes through security check to avoid spamming and auto registrations.

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by Administrator · 0

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