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How To Create A Facebook Page For Your Blog

Facebook Pages (or Facebook Fan Pages) allows businesses, public figures, organizations, and other entities, including blogs or websites, to create a public presence on Facebook.
Facebook Pages
If your blog has a Facebook Page, your enabling your users or readers and other people on Facebook to connect (become fans) with your blog. Because Facebook Pages are visible to everyone on the internet by default, every person on Facebook can connect with your blog’s Facebook Page by becoming a fan and then receive updates in the News Feed and interact with your Page.
A Facebook Page is a also great tool for sharing your stories or content. A Facebook Page allows your fans and every person on Facebook to share your content to their friends.
Here’s how to create a Facebook Page for your blog:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Brand or Product“.
  3. Choose a Category: select “Website
  4. Enter your blog’s Facebook Page name in the text field (ex. Mad Tomato or Mad Tomato Fan Page).
  5. Check “I agree to Facebook Pages terms” then click the “Get Started” button
  6. That’s it! Your blog has now a Facebook Page.
All you have to do now is add some info, add a pic (or your blog’s logo), and spread the news.

[Don't forget to add the Facebook Like Box and the Facebook Like Button to your blog]

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